Bookish Things Books heart and soul

A Gift Guide for Deep Girls: Books, Journals, and Treasures to Inspire Reflection

Deep girls are the ones who linger in thought long after the conversation ends, who find meaning in the details others might overlook. They are the journalers, the ponderers, the ones who light candles and sit quietly, exploring  their own feelings and thoughts.

If you have a deep girl in your life, she’ll be the one who doesn’t do surface conversations or idle chatter. She’ll talk to you about her latest read or something insightful she has learnt.  She’ll be the one who is always looking for connections between the world around her and the world within. She loves wisdom, mystery and making things meaningful.

Often deep girls are misunderstood. They think deeply, and often express themselves in ways that others might find hard to grasp. Their introspection can make them appear distant. 

For deep girls, being known is not about being noticed or admired on the surface, but about being understood at the core of who they are. 

And so, here are a few gift ideas for the deep girl in your life, treasures that inspire reflection, creativity, and connection. 

My Books: Gifts of Light and Reflection

If You’re Looking for Brightness

This book is my most recent release, and it’s a collection of poems, reflections, and insights about finding light in life’s complexities. It’s the perfect companion for anyone seeking inspiration and clarity.

A Strong and Fragile Thing

Deep girls love to muse, and this book is brimming with musings in reflection on the wisdom and wonder of the natural world. It’s the perfect companion for her to take out into nature, where she can read and see what rises to meet her.

The Remains of Burning Book and Journal

For the deep girl who is wading through pain and seeking renewal, this book and therapeutic journal is the perfect gift. I wrote it during and after one of the most emotionally distressing periods of my life out of a desire to validate the disqualified and consolidate the grieved. It’s an offering of words for those pained by lost dreams and relationships; words for when what you thought would never happen, happens.

Treasures for Reflective Practice

A Beautiful Journal

A beautiful journal is an essential tool for reflection. Look for one with thick, high-quality paper and an inspiring cover. I recommend journals from Papier or Archer & Olive for their designs and durability.

However, my absolute favourite journals are Paperblanks. Known for their intricate cover designs inspired by cultural motifs, classic literature, and historical art, they feel like holding a piece of art in your hands. The covers often feature textures, metallic foiling, and embossed patterns, giving them a luxurious and timeless appeal.

Luxury Candles

Candles create a calming atmosphere, and deep girls love them as they are perfect for night journaling or calming creative activities. Choose one with a soothing scent to enhance a reflective practice. Brands like P.F. Candle Co. or local artisans often offer unique, hand-poured options.

My personal favourite, is Glasshouse Candles. Whether it’s for relaxation, celebration, or simply to elevate everyday moments, Glasshouse Candles transform my space.

A Fountain Pen or Luxe Writing Tools

There’s something special about writing with a high-quality pen. Consider gifting a fountain pen or a set of smooth gel pens to elevate the journaling experience. Lamy and Pilot make excellent options.

A Reflection Deck or Prompt Cards

Now this is a product I dream of creating. Reflection decks provide daily prompts or affirmations to inspire thoughtful moments. Sets like The School of Life’s Prompt Cards or The Insight Deck are wonderful for deep thinkers. Deep girls also love quote cards and writing prompt cards.

A Cozy Throw Blanket

When taking time to contemplate, comfort is key. A soft, warm blanket is a simple yet thoughtful addition to any reflective practice. Other comforts you can give her are a pair of plush socks or slippers, a meditation pillow or an inspired art print to make her space feel more serene and personal.

Wrapping it up

When looking for a gift for the deep girl in your world all you need to remember is, deep girls appreciate thoughtfulness and authenticity. They love gifts that reflect who they are—books with meaning, journals to pour their hearts into, or cosy comforts that make their reflective moments special. 

Books Creativity Publishing

 AI Interviews Me About My New Book ‘If You’re Looking for Brightness’

Just for fun, I decided to let artificial intelligence pose questions to me about my new book, ‘If You’re Looking for Brightness.’  Here are the questions AI asked (written in bold) and my personal responses:

 ‘If You’re Looking for Brightness’ explores the deeply resonant theme of  finding light. What inspired you to write this collection, and how does the title reflect the themes within your book?”

I think one of the major lessons I’ve learnt over the last five years is that you can find light almost anywhere. When I say light I mean more than just brightness. I mean truth. I mean clarity. 

I’ve experienced deep confusion, cognitive dissonance actually, which means I’ve suffered mental discomfort and tension through holding two or more opposing beliefs. For me, this uncertainty was sparked by conflicting ideas about trust. What was being said and what was being shown were inconsistent.

The book’s title is a call to all those who need to find the light in their experience. In it I share the four places where light seems to radiate the most, in love, in pain, in living things and within my own heart. 

Are there any poems that hold special significance to you?”

Every piece has a backstory. But if I had to choose one off the top of my head it would be ‘De- (a prefix meaning intensive) Light’. It’s a piece about noting the sublime experiences in our lives and using good memories to illuminate present darkness. Let me share it with you.

‘De- (a prefix meaning intensive) Light’


Love likes to catch us off guard.


At the age of thirty-something I found myself
singing to a crowd under a mock-up trojan horse
on the edge of the Dardanelles Strait in Turkey.
Ever since that day, I keep asking myself,
‘Did that really happen?’


I was once crowned
the ‘Queen of Love and Beauty’.
It happened when an actor,
dressed as a knight,
picked me from an arena of contenders
one surreal Saturday at Medieval Times.


In my teens I wrote to an organisation.
They put my note in their newsletter.
In those days nobody needed permission.
When I received my copy,
I read it continuously; astonished.
My words on their paper.
My thoughts in other heads.


Consider the sublime, moments when
reality feels like a dream, and tell
your tired heart to stay open to surprise.

Your manuscript frequently references light in natural settings. Can you talk about how nature contributes to the healing process described in your poems?”

I grew up in church. I belonged to a ‘twice on sunday and multiple times of week’ kind of family. We were real deal ‘churchies’. Inside the church I found a community that championed me. Encouragement was part of the infrastructure. As a child and teen there was nowhere else I wanted to be.  It was my safe place, where I genuinely felt known and loved. 

Fast forward to 2015: I’m 37, with three kids, and my husband is an executive pastor who has been working at the same church for 16 years. Suddenly, despite ten years of repeated promises of succession, he was made redundant. This decision was intensely confusing to me and so I sort to respectfully ask questions, to which no one could or cared to answer.

As a result, I started to ask other questions about the church and the doctrine I had been taught. I felt drawn to a more contemplative approach to my faith. Instead of gathering in buildings, attending services, or participating in the routine of church activities, I began seeking spiritual practice elsewhere, mainly because the original practices were triggering and felt disingenuous to observe. I went to beaches, walked through the bush, or sat by the lake and found nature far more healing than singing or sermons.

Could you describe your creative process when writing this book? 

Everything I write begins with a seed of resonance—whether it’s a quote, a word, a story, a memory, or an emotion. Once I have that seed, I start writing (with pen and paper), imagining how to convey what I want to say in as few words as possible. I visualise the shape of the piece on the page and how it connects to the themes of the book.

Next, I rewrite the finished poem onto a loose piece of paper, editing as I go. These loose pages are then arranged in a carefully considered order and typed into a Word document for further refinement.

Finally, I format the book in InDesign. Of course, more editing follows until I feel it’s time to set it aside and return with fresh eyes. After a few more tweaks, and when I finally feel ready for the world to see it, I publish.

What impact do you hope ‘If You’re Looking for Brightness’ will have on its readers? Are there specific feelings or revelations you aim to evoke?

I want ‘If You’re Looking for Brightness’ to illuminate the space where readers are. Whether that be in a place of despair, a season of loneliness, a state of disappointment, or a moment of uncertainty. 

The subtitle, ‘Finding Light,’ is as clear as I could put it. I want readers to find the light they need or at least by reading where I found it, know where to look in their own lives.

Lastly, what were some of the challenges you faced while writing this book?

Firstly, having to write a lot of “crappy” poems before finding a little gold. The process of sifting through words and drafts felt daunting at times. There is nothing more discouraging than encountering your own incompetence. Every person who seeks to write a book must continue to believe they can write the work that is in heart, even as their own writing insists it is beyond them.

Second, writing about light itself proved tricky. It’s an abstract concept when not referring to its physical properties.  I had to find ways to ground those abstract ideas in tangible experiences.

Finally, visiting painful narratives was a real challenge. In the section titled ‘The Light in Pain,’ I had to face my own unresolved questions, especially when those who could have provided answers chose not to. It was difficult to frame a narrative that made sitting with these difficult experiences not only bearable but also illuminating.

Creativity News Poetry Publishing

If You’re Looking for Brightness: Inspirational Poetry about Light.

Today, I’m excited to share with you the progress I’m making in bringing my next lil book into the world, ‘If You’re Looking for Brightness: Poems on Light and Where to Find It.’

My heart for this collection is to offer a little light in a world that at times seems to be on the brink of collapse. We all need someone to hold up a lantern in dark seasons and show us how to find perspectives full of luminous empowerment.

The Spark of Inspiration

Every book begins with a spark; a moment where the faint outline of an idea starts to glow with potential. For ‘If You’re Looking for Brightness,’ that spark was the concept of light—not just as a physical phenomenon but as a metaphor for hope, clarity, and discovery. 

The idea struck during a rough patch. I remember scribbling in my journal one evening, “All I need is a glimmer.” What I was really reaching for was just a tiny hint of insight, a sign to help me keep pushing forward. 

We’ve all been there, haven’t we? Sometimes, all it takes is a simple “thank you” or an “you’re doing okay” from someone to keep our spirits up and our heads above water.

I started reflecting on all the times I’ve managed to move forward, all the different ways light had reached me in the past. I realized that there are four main ways I find the clarity and strength I need during those foggy times—when I’m unsure about my next steps, who I am, or how to move past a challenging moment.

These sources of light for me are found in love, pain, living things, and my own spirit.

The Light in Love

When I’m going through tough times, seeing love in action can be incredibly life-giving. All I have to do is notice the many ways love has been shown to me. Whether it’s a warm hug from a friend, those quiet moments of understanding with my husband, or just some encouraging words from someone—anyone—it all counts. 

How do we bring more light into the world? It’s simple. We start by giving our attention to all the love we’ve received and continue to receive.

The Light in Pain

Although it’s often unwelcome, I’ve learned that pain is a profound teacher. It shines a light on what truly matters, stripping away the superficial and leaving only the essentials. 

Pain challenges me to grow, to reshape my life, and to emerge stronger. It’s in these moments of discomfort and challenge that I gain deep insights into my own resilience and capabilities, teaching me lessons that comfort never could.

The Light In Living Things

There is an undeniable light in the natural world.  I feel that living things often offer me a sense of connection to something larger than myself, grounding me in the present and rekindling my sense of wonder and possibility.

Recently, nature has been an incredible source of healing for me. It inspired me so much that I wrote a book of musings titled ‘A Strong and Fragile Thing,’ capturing the wisdom and wonder of the natural world.

I can’t explain exactly how it works, but somehow, just ten minutes under a tree, in the ocean, or looking up at the sky seems to bring everything into clearer focus.

The Light Within My Own Spirit: 

There’s the light that comes from within—my own spirit. This internal flame fuels my creativity, drives my persistence, and nurtures my hope. It’s a personal sanctuary of wisdom, always ready to guide me when I take the time to listen. 

This light is perhaps the most personal and potent, for it is shaped by my experiences, beliefs, and dreams. Simply, I believe we’re equipped with an innate radar that helps us detect great things hidden just beneath the surface of our everyday lives, things we might never notice unless we dig a little deeper.

Anticipating the Release

Looking ahead, there’s much to do. The next steps involve more revisions, professional editing, cover design and eventually, the release. Look out in the coming months for the exact release date, cover art reveal and a list of where you can grab your copy. 

If you are interested in being a first reader and receiving your own digital copy in exchange for an honest review, I’d love to hear from you. Contact me here

The Ever-Evolving Path

Creating ‘If You’re Looking for Brightness’ has truly shown me the beauty and complexity of the writing process. It’s not just about crafting words—it’s a deep dive into learning about myself and how light can blaze even in darkness.

As I move closer to the final stages of getting the book ready for release, I want to encourage you to keep chasing those bursts of inspiration.

Keep looking for light in your own life and then write it down. The light you see today might just be the brightness you or someone else needs tomorrow.

life lessons News

3 things to remember when starting again.

I started out like I always do, with a title, a theme, book sections and a mental picture of the cover art. I wrote 34 poems in 3 weeks led by some kind of creative surge until it stopped. No more flow. I tried reading to regain it, thinking that absorbing the writings of poets would put magic in my pen. Nothing. Not a  sentence worth the paper it was written on. My bright idea, dim. 

But how could I be shocked? Ideas are for building cities, organising people, fixing broken things. Ideas don’t write poetry. I was trying to pull poetry out of my head when poetry has to be heart led. 

And so, I had to start again. File away 34 poems and open a new page. Scrap the title. Narrow down the theme. Forget about layout and design. And then walk beaches. Watch for storms. Water my peace lily until movement alchemized into energy within.

What I’m trying to say is, the book I said I was writing is dead. And if I keep trying to revive it my will to write will die too. It was too heady, too opinionated (gross), all goose, no bumps. I’m going to try again.

starting again

Starting over is worth it, not a waste; it is what makes the process interesting. It is the way, the real plan A, and it is needed to prevent us from betraying ourselves. It’s a chance to do things better, experience something different, clean out the clutter and recreate. 

If you sense the need to start over, remember these three. 

1. Make peace with reality.

I must have tried to save my project a dozen times. I looked at the thin manuscript  and thought of all the mornings I rose to write. I wanted my efforts to be more than warm up exercises. That’s ok, because that’s what some humans do. That’s what I always do. Hope against hope. Hold on way too long. 

Making peace with reality is hard, however, once I accepted that what I wrote was not right, then I could believe that writing something better was possible. Letting go is empowering. It proves trust. 


Trust what? Trust who? Well I guess, it’s about trusting that what you sense is true. 

There is a saying, ‘you must let go of the old to grab hold of the new’,’ which feels like a trick if ever you’ve been betrayed, but it is actually completely logical. There is no other way to take something into your hand other than to loosen your grip on what you already hold. Opening up takes trust and practice. Trust in every word and act of love. Practice exposing your palm in wait for what is better.

3. Engage with the ‘over again’

It’s important to realise that starting over may be something you’ll have to engage in several times. This too is ok. Try and then try again, tweaking things as you go, inching towards what you see with the eyes of your heart. Sometimes I write pages and only keep a line or a word. Other times I change little and only editing is needed. Starting over, whether it be a poem or a poetry book, a facet of life or life entirely is normal. Challenging, but normal. Unsettling, but normal. Necessary, but normal and totally fine.

Want to stay up to date with my progress in bringing the next book baby into the world? For first looks and behind the scenes sneaky peeks sign up to my community newsletter.

Creativity News Publishing

3 attributes of courage – lessons in following your heart.

Today is book baby’s birthday!!!!

The Remains of Burning’ was published on October 1st 2020, and one year on she is still bringing beautiful people and opportunities into my life. 

Most recently I was part of a give-away with five other authors. The soul that won my book lives in Thailand. We were both ecstatic when ‘ The Remains of Burning’ finally fell into her mailbox. Magic is when the right words find the right reader. She was a gift to me and I, a gift to her.

I could tell you several stories about these kinds of encounters. From Thailand to Jamaica, from Ireland to Canada (Hello beautiful readers from all these beautiful places) my little book baby has spent the last 12 months bringing light. I’ve always felt my call is less about writing popular books, and more about serving the individual. That’s why I write, for the one’s! 

For years I was afraid to write and publish. I had a problem. Cathy Heller says, when we have trouble in our careers, families, finances, or relationships, often it’s simply a courage problem. This means the solution is in stepping up to the plate, being assertive, vulnerable and integral to who we are. 

Courage is the most important component needed to ship creative work. To push my poetry out into the already over-saturated sea of books, I needed to put on my big girl pants, and risk being criticized, misunderstood or worse, ignored. And so, today marks the day I did it, I found my spine, birthed a dream and discovered a few things about courage.

  1. Courage never stops calling.

Just when you find the nerve to do something, another thing demands still more courage. Being courageous is not an event, it’s a lifestyle. As long as we live, courage continues to chant, beckoning us forward, pointing out possibilities. 

First, I needed courage to write badly, then, I needed courage to show my writing to those close to me. Next, I needed courage to spend hours learning how to publish, after that, I need courage to actually publish. Then, I needed courage to market and promote my work,  followed by courage to keep writing. Then, I need courage to publish again, after that, I need courage to invest in a website. Next, I needed courage to start a blog, followed by courage to start a newsletter. And now I have a list as long as my blessed body (I’m not joking) of things I need courage to create and sell. Never satisfied, courage relentlessly wants us to make bold moves.

  1. Courage builds upon itself.

Courage begets courage. One courageous act leads to another. Often we can think courage is about taking one giant leap, but in my experience, courage is the ability to keep on stepping.

‘Courage is nothing more than taking one step more than you think you can.’

Holly Lisle

The more I step, the more courage I have to keep stepping. The more I write, the bolder my words become. The more I try, the more I want to try again. I plan to look back at my thirties and forties and say, ‘I can’t believe I was afraid of that.’

3. Courage creates an expansive life.

Courage has given me many surreal moments; times so amazing and joyous, it feels like they existed in a dream. Last weekend I spent some time writing them down. After I read and re-read the list, I could not help but say aloud to myself, ‘Wait, did that really happen?’ ‘I never dreamt that I would be there, doing that, with them.’

If you want a life better than you ever imagined, wonderful stories to tell your grandchildren, lists of beautiful dreamlike memories, then courage is the way.

I have learnt that I don’t need to be busy to have a big life; I just need to be brave. For me, bravery looks like backing myself, trusting the flow, trying again, being vulnerable, facing rejection, seeming to be a fool, taking risks, and following your heart. Courage starts with affirming ‘I am courageous’ even when I’m shaking in my boots, and ends with no regrets. Courage has always taken me to a spacious place that oddly feels unknown and like home all at once.

So here’s to ‘The Remains of Burning‘ one year on. I birthed a book baby and book baby birthed courage in me.

image of a poetry book
The Remains of Burning.

3 Things Indie Authors wish everyone knew about Indie Publishing.

Firstly, let’s define independent publishing. A hybrid between traditional publishing and self publishing, indie publishing is when a writer hires professionals to assist them in the making of their print/digital/audio book. The indie author not only creates the content but also becomes the creative director/manager seeing the project through from concept to sales.

To some, taking on the role of creative director/manager does not suit them as they wish to only write. However, the days of simply writing a manuscript and turning it over to a publishing house to do the rest are gone. Even traditionally published authors have to market and promote their work. Nevertheless, traditional publishing has its appeal, particularly for those who do not want to do the hard work of producing.

Before I started publishing, I held restrictive doubts based on a mixture of fear, incompetence and pride. I was afraid of embarrassing myself; of failing publicly.  I was worried that I would not be able to learn and execute skills needed to complete and produce a quality product. I was concerned about adopting the stigma that sometimes follows independent and self publishing.

As I became more educated, these doubts lost their power. Slowly I began to see that independent publishing was not only possible, but also the most beneficial for me. If you are already an indie author, you are familiar with the benefits. You know that often the decision to publish independently is based on the fact that indie publishing outshines other publishing options when it comes to 3 things.

1.Creative control.

Personally, I desire not just to write poetry books, but to create them. I want to make the final decisions when it comes to book size, cover design, typesetting/interior design, and creative marketing. As an indie author having creative control means I can create the books I dream of  creating to serve my  targeted audience without the need to gain permission or  please gatekeepers. I can choose who I wish to collaborate with, building the right team of creatives to make my vision a reality. For those writers, who have felt contained creatively, indie publishing is a dream. 

2. Profits. 

When it comes to profits, Independent Authors benefit from full ownership of rights and higher royalties. They have significantly higher profit potential as they can  create numerous products from one manuscript. For example, print books ( paperback, hardback, large print, workbooks) , ebooks, audio books, translations, merchandise, radio plays, podcasts, apps and other online experiences can all be made by turning the same content into multiple streams of income. Indie’s can also decide the price of their books, when to offer discounts, whether to set up pre-orders or run patreon campaigns offering book extras for loyal readers.


Being able to publish multiple titles per year, indies publish fast to market. This is liberating, as compared to a traditional publishing, which on average takes  between 9 -18 months to publish one book. With the exception of international best sellers, most trade books have a 3 month shelf life and trade publishers are often unwilling to reprint more copies if the book has not reached a certain number of sales in this time. Indie authors have the power to rebrand and market their books over and over bringing in sales long after it has first been released. 

It is important to assess what kind of publishing is best for each project. When it comes to my poetry, indie publishing has proven to have been a great decision. If you would like to know more about indie publishing/book creation I would love to help you. I encourage all who have a ‘book dream’ to go forth and create.