Creativity heart and soul life lessons

Investing in the Unknown: When Is It Worth Risking Time, Money, and Energy?

In the pursuit of any creative dream—whether you’re a writer, musician, artist, or creator—there comes a pivotal moment. It’s that heart-thumping instance where you stand at the crossroads of inspiration and practicality. The question looms: “Is investing in my creative passion worth the risk?” I know, I’ve asked myself this many times and the answer is always found in unpacking my fears.

Understanding the Stakes

To me, investing in the unknown  often feels like wandering through a fog—exciting yet intimidating. This isn’t just about financial investment. It’s about the hours of practice, the emotional energy in creating something personal, and the vulnerability of sharing it with the world. 

Recognizing what’s at stake is the first step toward rational, yet passionate, decision-making. First, I acknowledge that there are risks and that is why I feel resistance and apprehension.

The Real Cost of ‘What If?’

Before you turn away from your dream due to fear of the unknown, consider the cost of the unexplored path. What is the price of not knowing what could have been? 

I have a habit of focusing on the risk of failure neglecting the equally significant risk of regret. When I pull myself up on this taking a more balanced approach, the thought of never trying then becomes a far greater burden than the potential loss of resources.

Risk vs. Reward: A Creative Calculation

Not every creative venture will succeed in conventional terms. But every effort has taught me something valuable. Whether it’s improving my skills, expanding my network, or simply discovering my limits, these are the intangible rewards that I feel outweigh initial costs.

When assessing risk, I ask myself: Can I handle the emotional and financial impact if this doesn’t go as planned? What might I gain, even if I don’t achieve my original goal?

These questions help to pivot my perspective from seeing an unknown outcome solely as a potential loss to viewing it as a field of possibilities.

Investment in Yourself Is Never Wasted

When we invest in creativity, we’re building more than just a portfolio; we’re developing ourselves. Each step forward enhances our resilience, hones our craft, and deepens our understanding of both our capabilities and our potential. These are the tools that build not just a project, but an expansive creative life.

When I invest in my creativity I am also investing in my joy, fulfillment, sense of purpose and satisfaction that financial success alone cannot match.

Navigating the Unknown with Strategic Steps

While embracing risks is part of the creative process, being strategic about it can reduce unnecessary losses. Remember these three things:

  • You can start small: Before I wrote my first lil poetry book, I posted poems anonymously on instagram. 
  • Seek Feedback: Seek out mentorship. For me this looked like entering competitions where my work would be critiqued.
  • Build Incrementally: Instead of pouring all resources into one big project, develop in stages.

The Leap of Faith

Ultimately, investing in the unknown requires a leap of faith, but most often it is a calculated one.  While not all my investments have paid off in ways I wanted, all have contributed to my growth and understanding of my work and myself.

So, is it worth it? Perhaps better questions to ask might be, ‘Am I taking it far enough? Am I allowing myself the space to fully explore and embrace the possibilities before me? Will I look back on this moment in my life knowing that with wisdom I courageously moved forward? 

Books Poetry

Why Poetry Month Matters: Awakening Society Through Verse.

April brings us Poetry Month, a special time to dive into the world of poems. It’s not just about reading old poetry books; it’s about celebrating the way poetry impacts our lives; how it can really stir up our thoughts and feelings and make us see the world in new ways.

Poetry: The Language We All Feel

Poems help us understand love, sadness, happiness, and loss in deep ways. During Poetry Month, we’re reminded that poems are not just for book lovers; they’re for everyone. They’re in our favorite songs, in powerful speeches, and in those simple lines that say so much about what we feel.

Poems Show Us Who We Are

Poems are like mirrors that show us what’s happening in the world and within us. Poetry is full of story, whether it’s one of hope, struggle, or everyday life. Poetry Month makes this mirror even bigger, letting us hear from all kinds of people and understand each other better.

Finding Comfort in Poems When Times Are Tough

Life can be hard, and sometimes we go through really tough times. That’s when poems can be a big comfort. They remind us that we’re not alone; that our pain is not unique. Poetry Month is a time to remember that, through the toughest times, the words we need are available to us. 

Poems Can Spark Change

Poems can not only cause us to think new thoughts and feel deeply, they can also cause us to act.  Poetry Month celebrates not just the beauty of poems but also their power to make us think about big issues and make meaningful change.

My favourite  poets use their words to help me imagine a better world and inspire me to help make that world real.

Giving Poetry Time

Think of reading poetry like cultivating a garden; it requires patience, attention, and an openness to the insight and emotion that may emerge.

To read poetry in a way that allows it to make a significant impact in your life, approach each poem with a willingness to engage deeply, not just with your mind but with your senses and emotions. 

Take your time to savor the imagery, rhythm, and layers of meaning. Read aloud when possible, letting the sounds and cadences resonate.

Reflect on the emotions and thoughts the poem evokes, and consider keeping a poetry journal to jot down your reflections and the personal connections you draw. 

By immersing yourself fully and giving each poem space to breathe in your life, you allow the subtle magic of poetry to unfold, enriching your experience of the world and offering new perspectives on the familiar.

Happy Poetry Month – May you discover the poems that help you to breakthrough into a deeper, truer, freer and more fulfilling life.

My poetry books.