A Year of Receiving: You Don’t Have to Earn Peace, Joy, or Rest.
Receiving is a skill we’re rarely taught. Yet it is essential to living a fulfilling life.
Receiving is a skill we’re rarely taught. Yet it is essential to living a fulfilling life.
To You who is reading this, On this, the first day of 2025, I find myself thinking of you, the hearts who have stopped here,
Fresh starts through journaling
How I’m gently navigating Advent in a way that feels healing and true.
Deep girls are ponderers, dreamers, journalers, feelers, thinkers, creators, seekers, storytellers, philosophers, observers, reflectors, believers, writers,
empaths, artists, and visionaries.
Sometimes, words are what matter. Just one inspiring quote can set us on a trajectory that changes everything.
Always remember that your true brightness is already within you. It doesn’t disappear just because self-doubt shows up.
AI dug deep, asking about the inspirations, processes, and experiences that shape my work.
Here in Oz, it’s almost spring, but no matter where you are in the world, diving into some spring reads is a fantastic way to foster new life and renewal into our lives.
Receiving is a skill we’re rarely taught. Yet it is essential to living a fulfilling life.
To You who is reading this, On this, the first day of 2025, I find myself thinking of you, the hearts who have stopped here,
Fresh starts through journaling
How I’m gently navigating Advent in a way that feels healing and true.